Monday, July 20, 2009


Continuing to build warm layers of yellow, orange and reds with lots of texture.

Three Little Sea Turtles

Crayon, Oil Pastel and India Ink on canvas experiment. I like the turtle I did on plywood better with this technique...the black wash just doesn't take to the canvas as darkly as it did the wood and makes it far less dramatic.

Big, Bad Bunny (close to done)

Touching up the edges here, adding some bronze to the brown for a little shiny pop!


Monday, July 13, 2009


Still working on this series of four. Ready now to glaze on layers of happy yellows, golds and orange!

Trash Mountain

Taken out by the bay on what used to be, years ago, the San Mateo dump and is now a park of sorts.

Started this last summer (at least) and hated it. Accurate compositionally (except for my choice to remove all buildings and telephone wires from the background hills), I decided to rework it some more to see where I can take it. It looks a lot better here in the photo for some reason....

Stormy Sea

Started ages ago, here is where I left it.

Now starting work on it again....

Faerie (preliminary sketches)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Big, Bad Bunny (close to done)

After a little more shading on the bunny this afternoon.

Orange Flames

Started with prepared plywood, like this. It's been sanded and patched with wood filler where needed.

Then I applied a couple coats of gesso, threw some molding paste on it, and swirls of Elmer's glue over that and gesso'd again. Now it's looking like this. Doing a set of four.